Destiny 2 offers up a free month of The Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep to new and lapsed players with Open Access

Destiny 2 offers up a free month of The Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep to new and lapsed players with Open Access

Sony has made three Destiny 2 expansions free to play through its Expansion Open Access incentive.

What it does is give new and lapsed players free access to the expansions The Witch Queen, Shadowkeep, and Beyond Light from now until June 3 and it’s available across all platforms.

Try three of the latest Destiny 2 expansions for free through June 3.Watch on YouTube

Those with a PlayStation Plus subscription can also nab the Lighfall expansion as part of May’s games lineup.

If you have been away for quite some time, be sure to visit the Hall of Champions to acquire the Gift of the Thunder Gods. This set will help boost you to the current level cap, plus it contains some cool armor and a weapon.

With Update now live, you can also enjoy three new maps for Crucible: Cirrus Plaza, Eventide Labs, and Dissonance.

Eventide Labs is set in a long-forgotten human colony research outpost on Europa that Eramis chose to use as a refueling station. Cirrus Plaza is set on Neptune in a shopping and entertainment center on Neomuna And features four distinct areas: Arcade, Restaurant, Aquarium, and Atrium. Dissonance is a PvP map set on the Traveler-terraformed Pyramid ship Essence, Witness’s former ship.

With the arrival of the maps comes a separate 3v3 playlist called New Territory, so you can enjoy the new experience these maps offer on demand. The playlist will replace the 3v3 Quickplay node and feature the three new maps with the following game modes: Survival, Elimination, Clash, and Collision. Be sure to pick up the introductory quest from Shaxx for more details on the maps and playlist.

Additionally, while New Territory is the designated playlist for the new maps, the maps will be available in other playlists and the private lobby as usual.

Lastly, New Territory will be available until the end of the Season, at which point any player who engages in the playlist will be awarded with the new Slaycation emblem.

The Pantheon is also live, and this PvE raid gauntlet features four bosses as part of the first wave with more bosses on the way each week.

Have fun.

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