One modder is taking on the gargantuan task of giving Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite a serious makeover. The 2017 Capcom fighter has long been dunked on for poor visuals, but with a bit of elbow grease, cell-shading, and some modeling work, we may be on the verge of a real transformation for MvC’s ugly duckling.
The hero in question taking up the charge of this particular project is Ryn, a game dev and artist who has been posting her work on this Marvel vs Capcom project over the past few days. The results – shared via Twitter – are reminiscent of characters ripped straight from comic books, giving more of a stylistic aesthetic to what was previously a somewaht bland presentation.
This includes cell shading to backgrounds, which benefit from a similar effect as a result. These posts have been met with high praise as you can imagine, bringing in interest from fighting game and marvel fans alike.
If you’re curious about the future of this project, it’s looking bright! Maximillion – the largest fighting game content creator and winner of the legacy trophy at the 2023 Streamer Awards – has confirmed that he’s comissioned Ryn to continue working on it. “We’re in the early stages, with only a couple days of tinkering, but already the results are absolutely incredible,” he posted.
Marvel vs Capcom is on of those franchises that got a lot of love back in their day, but has fallen to the wayside in recent years. The peaks of Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 are far behind us, but have retained a passionate playerbase who remain invested in their trademark high-octane action. A new look, perhaps, could maybe draw new folks back to this entry in the series. Fingers crossed!
What do you think? Will you give Marvel vs Capcom Infinite another chance if it has a new coat of paint? Let us know below!