Facebook’s offices are as much of a mess for employees as its social media platforms are for users, according to anonymous workers who’ve spoken to reporters in the midst of the apparent companywide breakdown.
As the major Facebook outage dragged into hours, a Reddit poster claiming to be a member of the “recovery/investigation team” wrote the companywide snafu was indeed a “global outage for all FB-related services/infra[structure]” and explained that while repairs were underway, “the people with physical access is [sic] separate from the people with knowledge of how to actually authenticate to the systems and people who know what to actually do, so there is now a logistical challenge with getting all that knowledge unified.”
Facebook’s DNS [Domain Name Servers] were down due to what several commenters suggested was a configuration change that took effect right before the mega-crash.
“Something BIG seems to have died inside Facebook’s network,” Jim Salter, a reporter at ArsTechnica tracking the crashing-and-burning at Facebook HQ, observed, while DDoS protection provider Cloudflare’s senior vice president reported the entire Facebook network was unreachable
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